Mission, Vision and Values Statement

Since its humble beginning in 1997 as the Office of Intellectual Property Management, once an office of two, UNHInnovation (UNHI) has grown and transformed into a team of over 30 people and a strong presence on campus and in the state. Between our five units, (i.e. Intellectual Asset Management, Strategic Partnerships, the Entrepreneurship Center, the InterOperability Lab, and the Connectivity Research Center), we work hard to protect, support, and promote UNH ideas and innovations, and build bridges between the university and the business community in many different ways.

While we are pleased by our growth and achievements, we are continuously looking for ways to improve and do more to establish UNH as a thought leader in the state. In this spirit, UNHI took some time this fall to get together as a group, reflect on our recent accomplishments and challenges, and discuss ways to better align our many functions to create a more cohesive and effective department. We emerged from the process inspired and eager to start the new year with more focused objectives and stronger communication between each unit.

One of the main goals of this initiative was to refocus our mission statement, define our core values as a group, and clarify our vision for the future. The process was difficult at times but the conversations it sparked were valuable, and we arrived at something we all believe in and can be proud of. We are excited to share the guiding ideas that we will look to in our daily work and refer to as we plan for future growth.

Our Mission:

To enable, leverage, and accelerate ideas. Through partnerships and the support of new enterprises, we maximize the social and economic benefits of UNH talent, research, and resources for our state and beyond.

Our Vision:

A thriving innovation ecosystem with the University of New Hampshire as the thought leader and center of a vibrant and diverse economy.

Our Values:

We are accountable and follow through on our commitments. We use our expertise to give honest and objective information and advice.

We are passionate about the power of UNH ideas and innovation. This compels us to hold our work to the highest standards.

We are most successful when working collectively, empowering each other, and sharing knowledge to achieve mutually beneficial goals and objectives.

We move beyond traditional approaches to deliver unexpected solutions to meaningful problems.