UNHInnovation (UNHI) advocates for and manages the transfer of UNH-derived ideas to the public to maximize their social and economic impact. UNHI protects, promotes, and manages UNH's innovations, supports start-up companies based on UNH’s intellectual property, and develops new opportunities for university and industry collaboration.

Our Mission
To enable, leverage, and accelerate ideas. Through partnerships and the support of new enterprises, we maximize the social and economic benefits of UNH talent, research, and resources for our state and beyond.

Our Vision
A thriving innovation ecosystem with the University of New Hampshire as the thought leader and center of a vibrant and diverse economy.
Our Values
We are accountable and follow through on our commitments. We use our expertise to give honest and objective information and advice.
We are passionate about the power of UNH ideas and innovation. This compels us to hold our work to the highest standards.
We are most successful when working collectively, empowering each other, and sharing knowledge to achieve mutually beneficial goals and objectives.
We move beyond traditional approaches to deliver unexpected solutions to meaningful problems.
Madbury Commons, Suite 101
21 Madbury Road
Durham, NH 03824