UNHInnovation (UNHI) works to promote and protect the use of the University of New Hampshire’s name and logos, while simultaneously working to ensure that the public can properly identify and associate the logos with officially licensed products bearing the university’s trademarks.
The University of New Hampshire (UNH) has achieved an outstanding reputation as a student-centered, research intensive, highly engaged, residential public university. UNH is represented by its iconic shield logo, trademarks, athletic logos, seal, and service marks. Most of these trademarks are registered with the U.S. Office of Patent and Trademarks, the state of New Hampshire, and internationally. These marks are the exclusive property of UNH.
A license through CLC is required for products featuring UNH Trademarks. All members of the University community and its entities must also use a licensed vendor to produce any merchandise.
Search for Licensed Vendors by Product
Step 1: Product Category (What you hope to have made)
Step 2: Pick a School (Scroll down and select "University of New Hampshire)
If a vendor in the list is marked (INTERNAL ONLY) they only have rights to sell products to departments or UNH staff or community members. Those goods can't be resold, or sold directly into the market.
A retail partner has rights to produce goods for either UNH community members, or for direct retail. Anything they make can be resold. Depending on their rights, retail partners can sell direct to customer, through store channels, online, etc.
UNH Technology Transfer

Licensing Process
Outside entities/companies wishing to use University of New Hampshire logos and wordmarks must obtain an application from IMG College Licensing (formerly CLC). This includes all outside entities/companies that would like to use the logos and wordmarks, whether for internal (campus) use, or external (retail).

UNH Protected Trademarks and Use
UNH is the owner of all the rights, title, and interest in a number of trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos, designs, seals, and symbols. Additionally, UNHInnovation protects college, school, programs, innovations, and unit registered trademarks. Here, we provide you with a comprehensive overview of all of the UNH Protected Trademarks and information on how they are to be used per the UNH Visual Identity Standards.

Internal Approvals
Internal colleges, departments, programs, student organizations, and corporate sponsors need to take certain steps to use UNH marks. This section takes you to available resources on using approvals for UNH trademarks, including how to make an internal request to use UNH trademarks, a list of licensed vendors, and links to the University’s brand guidelines.