Take advantage of UNH’s state-of-the-art instruments, labs, facilities, and services. These are just a few of the available resources that can help you fulfill your research, development, and testing needs.
UNH Instrumentation Center (UIC)
The UIC offers direct and easy access to state-of-the-art instruments available for external use and offers the following quality services:
- Repair and maintenance of electronic and mechanical scientific equipment
- Consultation on engineering procedures and new/used instrument purchases
- Calibration of pipettes, balances, and temperature equipment using NIST standards
UNH John Olson Advanced Manufacturing Center
The John Olson Center is focused on advanced manufacturing technologies and a cross-curricular approach to manufacturing concepts that will provide hands-on, interdisciplinary learning opportunities in a factory environment and collaborate with industry to:
- Modernize traditional manufacturing technologies
- Advance and create new high-efficiency, state-of-the-art materials and technologies
- Address the skills gap in US manufacturing
- Serve as a conduit for students and industry to the next-generation of manufacturing technologies
More about the John Olson Center
Research Computing Center (RCC)
The RCC offers services that include software development solutions for the web, desktop, and mobile devices; data management and support; and a newly renovated 2,000 square foot data center.
UNH InterOperability Lab (UNH-IOL)
The UNH-IOL tests networking and data communications products and is one of the industry’s premier independent proving grounds for new technologies. The UNH-IOL houses a multi-million dollar array of test equipment and the latest devices from member companies.
More about UNH-IOL
Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Research Lab (MIRL)
The MIRL at the Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space contributes to a variety of research projects in space physics. The lab focuses on the development of instrumentation for ground-based, rocket-based, and satellite observations of space physics phenomena and analysis of the resulting observations.
More about MIRL
Flow Physics Wind Tunnel Facility
The wind tunnel, measuring 73 meters in length, has applications in the fields of aerodynamics, atmospheric, and marine research in both the military and civilian scientific communities. It is the largest scientific quality boundary-layer wind tunnel facility in the world.
Learn about the wind tunnel facility
Genome Sequencer
The Hubbard Center for Genome Studies houses a state-of-the-art Illumina HiSeq 2500 genome sequencer, the only one of its kind in New Hampshire. Services are available for external clients.
More about the genome sequencer
Cray Supercomputer
UNH is home to a Cray XE6m supercomputer, which is roughly 1,000 times more powerful than a typical desktop computer. It is the only Cray supercomputer in the state of New Hampshire.
More about the Cray Supercomputer
The Susan Schechter Domestic and Sexual Violence Social Justice Laboratory (Schechter Lab)
The Schechter Lab focuses on intervention and prevention strategies for eliminating domestic and sexual violence.
More about the Schechter Lab
Behavioral Research Lab
The Behavioral Research Lab at the Paul T. Paul College of Business and Economics helps companies study human behavior and decision-making.
about the Behavioral Research Lab
Ocean Engineering Tank
The 60’ x 40’ x 20’ deep water tank is the only one of its kind on the East Coast, and is used for a variety of experiments where simulating unobstructed, open water environments is required.
Learn More about the ocean engineering tank
Wave Tank
The wave/tow tank at UNH is approximately 120’ long, 12’ wide, and 8’ deep. It provides a 90’ length in which test bodies can be towed, subjected to wave action, or both.
More about the wave tank
Facilities and Venues
UNH has many large and versatile meeting spaces and venues, including the 7,500-seat Whittemore Center and the luxurious Victory Club at Wildcat Football stadium. A variety of recreation facilities, including sports fields, swimming pools, and tennis courts are also available for rental.
Here are just a few of the other UNH instruments, labs, and facilities available for external use:
- Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer
- High resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometers
- Deep ultraviolet lasers
- Servohydraulic testing machines
- Tube hydroforming facility
- Sheet hydroforming/bulge testing machine
- Electromagnetic forming and welding machine
- Digital image correlation and infrared camera
- Thermal-vacuum chamber (simulates space conditions)
- Class 10,000 clean lab for the preparation of samples for trace elemental or isotopic analysis for applications in Earth and environmental sciences
- Machine shop for creating prototypes
Marc Eichenberger
Associate Vice President and Chief Business Development and Innovation Officer
(603) 862-5446